
  1. Darren_S15

    WTB: Boost Solenoid

    If anyone has their stock boost solenoid laying around and no longer needs it Id be happy to take it off their hands. Would really like one of these before the weekend, but this might be pushing it. Anything else thats cheap and suitable will be considered too. Thanks, Darren
  2. K

    JDM S15 Satellite Navigation

    Guys, How do you open the screen above the aircon vents ? :confused: Tried pressing the OPEN/CLOSE button on the player right beneath the air con, and all that happens is beep beep ! Tried pushing the screen unit as well, to see if there's a clip but it didnt open. How do you open it ...
  3. Nicely


    Hi folks. Many of you may have seen me on SXOC (where I'm a mod), nissansilvia.com and nissansilvia.co.nz. I'm an Admin here and have just finished getting this new version of the forum up and running. So hello and welcome to everyone. :wave: I previously had an S14 for two years and was...