
  1. Z

    WTB: Where can i find some of these connectors?

    Hi all! Looking to purchase a few of the connectors that connect the tail lights to the loom in the boot. Anyways. I was hoping someone might be able to guide me to a business that produces them, or somewhere where i can just get the bare connectors, and then wire in my wires myself. only...
  2. 2fst4u

    Headlight bulbs

    So here in NZ it's illegal to have aftermarket HID kits fitted but my cars previous owner has done it anyway. Question: To remove the hid kit and return to stock, do I just need to buy a standard H1 for an s15? Is there any special little metal tab thing that holds it in? Luckily it seems he...
  3. M

    S15 headlight

    Hey all. Anyone got an s15 head light off there car. I just want to know how many wires there are on the back of the headlight. I think there are 2 conectors with 2 wires and 2 connectors with 3 wires Can anyone confirm this. Thanks for reading Matty
  4. TriniGT

    Need some Fuse Box Wiring Help

    Hey need some help. I am fitting the Spec R Main Wiring into my S14.5 and some of the wires have been cut and I will need to get connectors and have them wired back in but seeing as I am swapping in an RB26DETT I wanna see if it makes sense doing them if I don't need them. What I need is pics...
  5. S15AK


    Hi, Just looking for recommendations for a single din headunit. Still got the stock jap headunit so need it changing out. I take it all the connectors and everything are just the same as any other car? I don't need any convertors or anything do I? Cheers
  6. S

    Fuel Pump Install

    Getting ready to install a Walbro 255 fuel pump. Was looking at the fuel pump cover last night in the car and there are wiring connectors going into the top. Which one will I splice the fuel pump wiring into? Why are there two connectors? I'm not used to seeing this, every other car I've done a...
  7. meddler

    OEM headlight connectors

    Guys, Does anyone have a lead on where I can buy OEM connectors that are used for headlights and the side lights? I am looking into the feasibility of doing the HID conversion without cutting wiring (Nicely knows how anal I can be about my car.) If I can get the right connectors, I may look...
  8. N

    WTB: s15 connectors wanted

    hi i was wondering if any one could give me a hand and finding headlight connectors for the s15 oem HID's i'm doin a s14.5 conversion (putting the s15 front end on the s14) thanks matt:D